Saturday 27 July 2024
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Depression: What you need to know and how to beat it

While it is perfectly normal to feel sad or grieve over changes in your life situation, intense sadness and grief can turn into depression...

Depression: What you need to know and how to beat it

While it is perfectly normal to feel sad or grieve over changes in your life situation, intense sadness and grief can turn into depression...

Studies prove vitamin D supplementation can prevent COVID-19 and protect against cancer, liver disease and cardiovascular disease

A study has found that supplementation with vitamin D lowers the risk of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and, for those who are...

Study: Vitamin D supplementation found to reduce the risk of heart attack

Vitamin D, commonly referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body naturally produces when...

Study: Vitamin D supplementation found to reduce the risk of heart attack

Vitamin D, commonly referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” is a fat-soluble vitamin that your body naturally produces when...

Dr. Zelenko: ZINC is the BULLET that kills virus responsible for COVID-19

Zinc is the bullet that kills SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the late Dr. Vladimir...

Make sure your vitamin D levels are optimized, otherwise you could suffer a heart attack

Research out of Australia has confirmed that vitamin D deficiency is directly linked to an increased risk of heart attack or some other...

Dr. Bryan Ardis shares natural solutions for ADHD – Brighteon.TV

Dr. Bryan Ardis recently shared some natural solutions for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during an episode of “The...

Study: Supplementing with vitamin D helps prevent cancer, especially if it’s taken more frequently

Many people are already aware of the bone-protective effects of vitamin D, but did you also know that the “sunlight nutrient”...

Study: Supplementing with vitamin D helps prevent cancer, especially if it’s taken more frequently

Many people are already aware of the bone-protective effects of vitamin D, but did you also know that the “sunlight nutrient”...