Saturday 27 July 2024
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6 Good reasons to eat more beets

Beets, scientifically known as Beta vulgaris, are flowering plants that belong to the amaranth family. They are widely known for their...

6 Nutritious sources of plant protein for vegans and vegetarians

Protein is one of the macronutrients you need to get from your diet. Macronutrients are food components that your body needs in large...

Study suggests eating these superfoods can help you live longer

Over the years, numerous observational studies have reported a strong link between higher intakes of flavonoid-rich foods and a lower risk...

Celery: A heart-healthy vegetable with cancer-fighting properties

Celery (Apium graveolens) is a low-calorie vegetable with long, fibrous stalks that you can eat raw or cooked. Despite its high water...

Study: Betalains in beets can help reduce fatigue and boost athletic performance

Studies have shown that beets offer many benefits, such as promoting heart health. Data has also revealed that the nutritious root...

Why moringa deserves to be included in your daily diet

Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a thin-branched, gangly-looking plant. This plant, which thrives mainly in South and Southeast Asia, is also...

Studies reveal potential benefits of chlorophyll in cancer prevention and treatment

Multiple cancer studies have unveiled a beacon of hope in an unexpected source: chlorophyll, the green pigment that gives plants their...

Sweet potatoes can support digestive health and protect against cancer

Sweet potatoes are a staple for Thanksgiving dinners, but the vegetable deserves the spotlight year-round. Sweet potatoes contain dietary...

Support eye health with pumpkin, a superfood source of beta carotene

Pumpkin is a variety of squash that may come to mind during popular holidays like Halloween or Thanksgiving. This nutrient-rich vegetable...

Boost your intake of vitamin A with pumpkin, a healthy, versatile superfood

Pumpkin is a popular autumn and Thanksgiving dinner ingredient. It is a nutritious, versatile vegetable that’s full of a variety of...