Saturday 27 July 2024
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Drinking dealcoholized muscadine WINE found to improve skin elasticity in middle-aged and older women

Drinking moderate amounts of red wine has been linked to certain health benefits for the elderly, such as improved good cholesterol and...

Here are 10 kiwifruit benefits you shouldn’t miss out on

With its jade-green flesh, tiny black seeds and naturally sweet taste, the humble little kiwifruit makes a great addition to a healthy...

Summer health 101: A simple guide to address 5 heat-related illnesses

Temperatures that are unreasonably hot – and that your body is unused to – can increase your risk for heat-related illnesses....

Fruit of known invasive weed found to boost collagen production, prevent skin aging

The sight of weeds in a garden may stress out a gardener, but in a recent study, researchers discovered that the fruit of cocklebur...

Fruit of known invasive weed found to boost collagen production, prevent skin aging

The sight of weeds in a garden may stress out a gardener, but in a recent study, researchers discovered that the fruit of cocklebur...

Fruit of known invasive weed found to boost collagen production, prevent skin aging

The sight of weeds in a garden may stress out a gardener, but in a recent study, researchers discovered that the fruit of cocklebur...

STUDY: Fruit from invasive weed found to prevent skin aging

Gardeners may balk at the sight of weeds in their garden, but researchers have discovered that an invasive weed common in American...

10 Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Here are 10 symptoms of low vitamin D levels that you need to know and watch out for: Alopecia and hair loss A study published in the...

Try this “reverse juicing” trick to boost your antioxidant intake from berries

Nutrition experts recommend berries as part of a balanced diet because these tart, juicy fruits are full of beneficial antioxidants like...

Try this “reverse juicing” trick to boost your antioxidant intake from berries

Nutrition experts recommend berries as part of a balanced diet because these tart, juicy fruits are full of beneficial antioxidants like...