Saturday 27 July 2024
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Nattokinase: A superfood enzyme for a healthier heart

You might not be familiar with nattokinase, but if you have any concerns about heart health, it’s something you might want to explore as...

Eating junk food during childhood may lead to long-term, irreversible memory issues

LOS ANGELES — Every parent is aware of the detrimental effects drugs and alcohol can have on a child’s developing brain, but...

Keto Diet Improves Severe Mental Illness, Breakthrough Study Reveals

STANFORD, Calif. — Those living with conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are usually familiar with antipsychotic...

COGNITIVE RETARDNATION: Fluoride exposure during pregnancy increases risk of neurodevelopmental issues in children

Since 1945, cities across the United States have added fluoride (hexafluorosilicic acid) to community drinking water systems. Currently,...

Neuralink receives FDA approval to implant brain chip in second patient

Elon Musk’s Neuralink has received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to implant its experimental brain chip...

Wild blueberries found to improve cardiovascular health and cognitive performance in older adults

Blueberries are currently in season, perfect timing for you to consider adding this superfruit to your daily diet. According to a...

Pumping iron for a fitter brain: Weight training has surprising cognitive rewards

One of the most important things you can do for your brain is to move your body. People who exercise have less risk for brain disorders...

10 Compelling reasons to steer clear of gluten

Often found in wheat, rye, barley and a variety of other related grain products, gluten is a collective term for a variety of proteins,...

Environmental toxins may be triggering different types of Parkinson’s disease

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Nearly one million Americans are suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The brain disorder can cause...

Ginkgo biloba, dubbed the “living fossil,” is nature’s ultimate brain booster

Ginkgo biloba, often called the maidenhair tree, is dubbed “the living fossil.” It has survived for more than 200 million years...