Saturday 27 July 2024
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Study links midlife obesity and belly fat to cognitive aging

Obesity is linked to serious health problems like hypertension, coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and stroke. But a study has found...

22 Ways to Lose 2 Inches of Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

Let’s face it: that marshmallowy middle you’re sporting didn’t get there overnight. Stressful days at the office, indulging in...

5 Basic Rules You Need To Follow If You’re Trying To Erase Belly Fat

Lots of women who set out to lose weight set their sights on a flatter stomach. But if you don’t have a plan of attack to...

Lose Your Belly Fat with Just 2 Moves

A Simple Solution to Trim Your Waist Without a doubt, one of the biggest fitness goals for all of us is losing belly fat regardless of...

Lose Your Belly with Just 2 Exercise Moves

Carve a Sexy Core in 2 Moves A couple of days ago, a client asked me what seemed like a pretty simple question: What are the 2 best...

Blast Belly Fat in 15 Minutes

New Workout to Burn Belly Fat Looking for a quick  new routine to blast belly fat? If you can keep up with the pace, you can do a lot more...