Saturday 27 July 2024
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Exploring the benefits of FASTING for treating COVID-19 and vaccine injuries

Fasting is traditionally recommended to address diabetes and manage weight, but research has shown that it can also possibly address Wuhan...

Spirulina protects against COVID death, study finds

A new randomized controlled trial published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology reveals that spirulina, a nutrient-dense blue-green...

Study claims drinking a mug of black tea provides enough nutrients to prevent COVID infection

The symptoms commonly associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) may be preventable by drinking a single mug of black tea every day,...

Nicotine – A missing piece of the therapeutic puzzle concerning the bioweapons of the jab and COVID-19

The author is not a medical doctor and the following is not medical advice. (Article by Stan Szymanski republished from...

BMJ review reveals mask mandates in schools harm children and don’t prevent infections

A new review confirms what many people have long suspected: mask mandates for children do not have any benefits – and they can even be...

Dr. Zelenko: ZINC is the BULLET that kills virus responsible for COVID-19

Zinc is the bullet that kills SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the late Dr. Vladimir...

CDC warning: Cases of flesh-eating LEISHMANIASIS, which could be entering the U.S. via imported dogs, are on the rise

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has warned that cases of leishmaniasis are growing in the United States, even...

Study shows green and black tea can inactivate several COVID-19 subvariants

Zinc and quercetin emerged as a powerful combination in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, but a new study has found that another...

NYC sees a surge in TUBERCULOSIS cases amid influx of migrants

A significant increase in tuberculosis (TB) cases in New York City (NYC) raises concerns about the potential resurgence of this highly...

NEW STUDY: H3N8 avian flu virus has strong transmission potential, with risk of causing an outbreak

Bird flu is back with a vengeance. It has undergone mutational changes that could increase the risk of the disease being passed on to...