Saturday 27 July 2024
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Exploring the benefits of FASTING for treating COVID-19 and vaccine injuries

Fasting is traditionally recommended to address diabetes and manage weight, but research has shown that it can also possibly address Wuhan...

Study claims drinking a mug of black tea provides enough nutrients to prevent COVID infection

The symptoms commonly associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) may be preventable by drinking a single mug of black tea every day,...

Nicotine – A missing piece of the therapeutic puzzle concerning the bioweapons of the jab and COVID-19

The author is not a medical doctor and the following is not medical advice. (Article by Stan Szymanski republished from...

4 Uses for baking soda outside the kitchen

Story at a glance: (summary auto-generated by “Neo” LLM via Brighteon.AI) – Baking soda is a popular leavening agent in...

This science-backed NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC cocktail is known to help fight off infections

Conventional medications have proven to be effective but unsafe even for short-term use. Because many commonly used medicines cause adverse...

The health benefits of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in colorful superfoods

There’s a reason why health experts recommend eating plenty of fruits and vegetables: These foods are incredibly nutrient-dense and...

The health benefits of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in colorful superfoods

There’s a reason why health experts recommend eating plenty of fruits and vegetables: These foods are incredibly nutrient-dense and...

BMJ review reveals mask mandates in schools harm children and don’t prevent infections

A new review confirms what many people have long suspected: mask mandates for children do not have any benefits – and they can even be...

Dr. Zelenko: ZINC is the BULLET that kills virus responsible for COVID-19

Zinc is the bullet that kills SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the late Dr. Vladimir...

Study shows green and black tea can inactivate several COVID-19 subvariants

Zinc and quercetin emerged as a powerful combination in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, but a new study has found that another...