Saturday 27 July 2024
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Spirulina protects against COVID death, study finds

A new randomized controlled trial published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology reveals that spirulina, a nutrient-dense blue-green...

People who got COVID jabbed now displaying major personality changes stemming from vaccine-induced neurological damage, experts warn

At an International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) session held earlier this month, a handful of experts on the subject, many whom...

NYC sees a surge in TUBERCULOSIS cases amid influx of migrants

A significant increase in tuberculosis (TB) cases in New York City (NYC) raises concerns about the potential resurgence of this highly...

Ivermectin reduced excess deaths in Peru by 74%, study finds

Government data reveals SUICIDES in America hit all-time high in 2022

Suicide is something that should be discussed more openly to help people who are suffering from things they don’t often want to talk...

DOJ / FTC reaches civil penalty agreement with Dr. Nepute, whom they were trying to fine $1 BILLION dollars for telling the truth about zinc and vitamin D

The federal Office of Public Affairs has announced that an agreement was forged between Dr. Eric Anthony Nepute of Quickwork LLC and the...

EXPERT: Nattokinase detoxifies covid spike proteins from the body

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, has dropped another bombshell revelation, this time about how nattokinase, a natural enzyme found in...

Study: These two simple nutritional supplements trigger spike protein UNFOLDING and may neutralize its harmful properties

Is it possible to mitigate the damaging effects of covid “vaccine” spike proteins through simple nutrition? A new study...

Study: These two simple nutritional supplements trigger spike protein UNFOLDING and may neutralize its harmful properties

Is it possible to mitigate the damaging effects of covid “vaccine” spike proteins through simple nutrition? A new study...

GASLIGHTING: Same FDA that threatened doctors with prosecution over Ivermectin use now claims they never opposed it

Everyone remembers when the Wuhan virus broke bad in America and the FDA, plus every mass media news source, claimed ivermectin was only...