Saturday 27 July 2024
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BMJ review reveals mask mandates in schools harm children and don’t prevent infections

A new review confirms what many people have long suspected: mask mandates for children do not have any benefits – and they can even be...

Dr. Zelenko: ZINC is the BULLET that kills virus responsible for COVID-19

Zinc is the bullet that kills SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen responsible for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), according to the late Dr. Vladimir...

Ivermectin reduced excess deaths in Peru by 74%, study finds

CDC report reveals significant increase in developmental disabilities among children stemming from COVID-related restrictions

An official report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that the number of American children diagnosed...

America has one of the highest depression rates in the world

The United States has the third-most number of cases of unipolar depressive disorders in the world, just behind China and India. This was...

Study: Wearing face masks in classrooms makes “no significant difference” in preventing COVID-19 infections

At the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many countries enforced preventive measures like social distancing and the use...

The COVID pandemic was entirely unnecessary. Cures were available. The medical profession is responsible for the murders of huge and growing numbers of people

As I wrote not long after the “Covid pandemic” hype was underway, there were two known preventatives and cures: HCQ and Ivermectin....

FAKE medicine: Over 90% of all medical interventions lack evidence to support their use, as the medical system implodes with error

A new meta-analysis published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology finds that there is NO high-quality evidence to support MOST modern...

Fighting off viruses naturally is as simple as just BREATHING (which is why they want you to block respiration with a toxic mask)

Harvard University scientists have discovered that one of the simplest ways to protect your body against a viral infection is to just...

FTC takes censorship to a whole new level, charges and fines St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, promoting zinc and vitamin D

As the covid-19 scandal continues, authorities are increasingly using censorship and intimidation tactics to control the narrative and shut...