Saturday 27 July 2024
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The buzz behind bees: Essential allies for survival and prepping

Bee pollen is produced by combining honey, enzymes, flower pollen, nectar, wax and bee secretions. Foraging honey bees collect pollen from...

New fortified rice process could fight vitamin B1 deficiencies worldwide

GENEVA, Switzerland — Rice is a food staple for half the world, especially in countries throughout Asia, South America, and Africa....

Study reveals B VITAMINS may reduce glaucoma risk

Glaucoma is a condition affecting the eyes that poses significant risks if left undetected and untreated. The condition is characterized by...

Study reveals B VITAMINS may reduce glaucoma risk

Glaucoma is a condition affecting the eyes that poses significant risks if left undetected and untreated. The condition is characterized by...

6 Nutritious sources of plant protein for vegans and vegetarians

Protein is one of the macronutrients you need to get from your diet. Macronutrients are food components that your body needs in large...

Ditch harmful VEGETABLE OILS for these healthy substitutes

Industrial seed and vegetable oils are harmful to your health, and these products are long entrenched in the market. However, there are...

Study: Eating an avocado a day can help improve overall diet quality

As a superfood full of “healthy” fat, avocados are popular among health enthusiasts or those trying to support their overall...

Why freeze-drying is the best food preservation method

Freeze-drying (lyophilization) is a food preservation process where food is quickly frozen. Next, the ice turns into water vapor and is...

Buyers beware: Turmeric products are often contaminated with lead

When buying supplies for your stockpile, it’s important to do so from trusted sources that offer lab-verified organic products. This...

Exploring the best natural sweeteners to enhance your survival stockpile

The average prepper will likely have a decent supply of non-perishable ingredients and canned goods in their pantry. But you also need to...